Monday, December 8, 2008


Ellie is a born artist (and she's not bad for 18 months old!) Whenever she finds a pen or crayon, she comes up to me and says, "Draw?" If she can't find any paper, she'll just get creative and draw on the coffee table, closet doors, or the white throw rug in her room.

This girl loves to draw

Helping Daddy set up the Christmas tree

We have to keep our tree up high this year (out of toddler reach), so Colin got creative by duct-taping a small tree to our big pot. Of course, Elliott was right there to help.

Sitting by the Christmas tree

Elliott's holding her favorite stuffed animal, a polar bear that dances to "Shout".

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Hamster Dance

Elliott still loves to dance! The Hamster Dance is her new favorite song, and she makes me play it over and over . . . and over. She does her best dancing in the morning, after breakfast, which explains the pajamas and bed head.