Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Daddy passed the Bar! YAY!

Colin was sworn-in yesterday and he is officially an Attorney! He's worked so hard and we are so proud of him. Even with all the hard work and stress, he has been very upbeat and having a lot of fun with Elliott. She is very lucky to have such a great Dad.
Elliott is 5 months old now! She can stand and sit up (with a little help) and she's getting stronger everyday. She is so happy and easy going. And she loves people, especially kids. I try to take her to the park at least a few times a week to let her watch the kids play. She likes the baby swings, too. In fact, I tried to take her out of the swing today and she started crying! She's learning how to protest now.
I (Mommy) took a part time job at the Gap during the holiday season. I thought it would be fun to get out and earn a little extra Christmas money. But it's mainly to load up on Baby Gap clothes for Ellie. :-)
Also, Gap friends and family is coming up next month, so let me know if you'd like an invite!

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