Friday, February 15, 2008

Elliott will be 9 months old next week! She is such a happy baby and always smiling. Her hair is getting curly on the sides and in back, it’s so cute. She also has 2 teeth on the bottom and her top 2 are coming in. She crawls really fast and gets into everything! By the end of the day, there is stuff all over the floor like we've been robbed. We call her "Baby-zilla".
She can also pull herself up to standing and can walk along the coffee table, but she still prefers crawling as her main mode of transportation. She is a total chatter-box! When she cries, she crawls to me saying, "Ma ma ma ma", so we think she officially knows that word. She also says "Da da da da", but we're not sure if she's just babbling.
It's getting warmer here, we've even had a few 70 degree days! So, we've been going to the park and running outside. Colin is still averaging 60 hour weeks at work, but he seems to be in good spirits (or at least he hasn't complained to me.) He's doing a great job and his boss really likes him! We're really proud of him. He's a great Dad, too! I work at the Gap about 2 nights a week and Colin watches Ellie. He usually ends up taking her shopping (she's not spoiled or anything.)

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Caitlyn said...

I want to play with babyzilla. She's so cute.